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Notices by Gamera Godzilla (gameragodzilla)
There are 3 types of people
Those who don't understand Bioshock Infinite's story and think it's bad
Those who claim to understand Bioshock Infinite's story and think it's good
And those who understand Bioshock Infinite's story and know it's bad
@camoceltic You’re goddamn right.
Just dropping by again after I realized I left a tab open on Safari (usually use other web browsers). Seems like people finally hit the anger stage of grief. I admit I did, too, but frankly I don’t care, if she comes back I’m willing to drop everything that happened before to just welcome her back.
I dunno, maybe it’s because I had some talks with her via DM prior to her publicly announcing her leaving, so I had some warning, but it still hurts. It hurts enough that I’m willing to drop everything to have her back.
I guess that means I’m at the bargaining stage, but whatever. The only thing I know is every time I come here or Twitter, I just hurt myself more, so peace out, at least for the time being.
As I said before, I hope you all live good lives. I just want people to be happy, especially those who had rough lives. But I realize no matter what I do, I cannot achieve that goal, and I continually hurt myself in the process. So the only thing now I can offer is my hope.
@maiyannah I’m already feeling that with just games that we talked about or she gave me.
I can’t imagine how it looks for the art you two worked on.
I’m so sorry.
@mangeurdenuage Tried it. Went outside today, and just felt the need to come back and just sit around and cry.
@katiekats, wherever you are, I miss you. I miss you dearly. Every time I sleep, I dream about talking to you again.
I don't want anything more in the world than you coming back.
The people still going about their daily lives, talking about their usual stuff, I wish I was in the mood to engage in that. Just talk about games or movies or just general life stuff, rather than just wallowing in sadness. Haven't been in the mood for any that. Haven't had fun playing games or watching movies or browsing the internet or even eating lately, in spite of all my attempts.
@camoceltic @maiyannah Yeah she’s alive, but it hurts that she’s still gone.
I still have dreams after sleepless nights that she returns.
Even though I post less, I still obsessively look at Twitter, hoping Katie will be in DMs again. Hopefully some day.
@maiyannah I haven’t gamed at all ever since she left. I just don’t have it in me to enjoy something at the moment.
She's not dead. She says she's alive and safe. Hopefully she'll be back. I'll wait, forever if I have to.
I want my friend back. I want the good times back.
@maiyannah Yeah...
Please if you do ever manage to contact her, tell her we love her, and miss her.
@maiyannah I woke up today hoping it was a bad dream or a misunderstanding, and I would be able to see her again and we’d all be happy.
@maiyannah I miss her so much.
You know, I spend so much time trying to help others who hurt, trying to provide a steady shoulder to cry on if need be, keeping my own emotions in check to help cheer others up.
But I can't hold it together today. I just want to cry, and I don't even know who I can really turn to for letting out my tears.I suppose I shouldn't be too hurt. My life has been comfortable, I had a loving family, a happy childhood, went to school, got a degree then a job, I probably don't need or deserve this.
Goddamn, those Trites always creep the shit out of me.
Another great thing about Doom 3 is every single enemy lights up in some way, whether it'd be a fireball they're throwing (that's highly telegraphed) or having glowy eyes or something. That means even in pitch black, you can still fight them, there's just more skill involved as you have to rely on those small lights and audio cues to determine the location of the enemy.
By having the flashlight always accessible in the BFG Edition, this element of combat was removed and the game becomes much easier.
I will say, though, anyone who has anxiety issues would have a full blown panic attack playing this dark section of the game, though. Even I get tense even though I know exactly where all the enemies are.