Ugly Gerry - a font where every letter is a gerrymandered congressional district
Notices by binfalse (martin)
binfalse (martin)'s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2019 16:37:15 UTC binfalse
binfalse (martin)'s status on Friday, 04-Oct-2019 19:31:38 UTC binfalse
Data Fallacies to Avoid -
jwildeboer (jwildeboer)'s status on Tuesday, 10-Sep-2019 09:26:04 UTC jwildeboer
#LPT on your iPhone or iPad, you can and should install #lockdown. It's a kind of firewall that blocks traffic to Facebook (SDK), Google ad analytics and a lot more of those nasty trackers that are out to kill your privacy. It's #OpenSource, ofcourse.
jwildeboer (jwildeboer)'s status on Tuesday, 10-Sep-2019 10:08:54 UTC jwildeboer
It is completely on-device only for the blocking part, so no data will leak to a 3rd party. It is #GPLv3 licensed and you can inspect the source code at
binfalse (martin)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 08:24:34 UTC binfalse
What do #Mac/#iOS customers nowadays use to block/prevent #tracker|s?
I'm for example using #uMatrix -- is there something similar that I can recommend to #apple users?
binfalse (martin)'s status on Friday, 27-Sep-2019 21:18:15 UTC binfalse
Intro to Creative Coding
binfalse (martin)'s status on Thursday, 26-Sep-2019 19:30:48 UTC binfalse
War heute in der Hochburg der #SPD! Zu einem Rhetorik Seminar der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. War mir so nicht bewusst, als ich das gebucht hab.. Aber war gut ;-)
binfalse (martin)'s status on Wednesday, 25-Sep-2019 08:54:34 UTC binfalse
Ich kann den #PythonPodcast übrigens wärmstens empfehlen:
(hab ich glaub ich mal nach einer mention von @blub abonniert)
binfalse (martin)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Sep-2019 11:15:48 UTC binfalse
@Blort @purism
well everything else wouldn't make much sense, would it? An #rj45 connector is far too huge for a mobile's already getting difficult to find a laptop with rj45 connector, as the vendors discard it to make laptops even slimmer..
binfalse (martin)'s status on Tuesday, 10-Sep-2019 05:38:23 UTC binfalse
Sehr coole Aufarbeitung der Reden im #Bundestag!
* seit '83 reden sie über #Glasfaserausbau
* über's #Internet wurde '94 das erste mal gesprochen
* die intensivsten Debatten in den letzten 30 Jahren waren nicht über Renten, oder Arbeitslosigkeit, oder Klimawandel... sondern über #Geflüchtete.. -
binfalse (martin)'s status on Monday, 09-Sep-2019 20:17:32 UTC binfalse
And the end result.
binfalse (martin)'s status on Monday, 09-Sep-2019 19:42:33 UTC binfalse
Can you decrypt what's encoded in the cake that I just made? ?
binfalse (martin)'s status on Friday, 06-Sep-2019 18:26:58 UTC binfalse
Leider nicht gut gegendert, aber reimt sich so schön.. :doge:
Vielleicht kanns einer von euch besser? -
binfalse (martin)'s status on Friday, 06-Sep-2019 18:25:21 UTC binfalse
Im Internet - weiß jedermann - ist besser dran, wer hacken kann.
binfalse (martin)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 19:30:42 UTC binfalse
Wenn man in #Vodafone's webportal einen Vertrag hinzufügt, muss man sich erst einmal ausloggen und wieder einloggen, bevor man ihn dort auch sieht ?♀️ #profis
binfalse (martin)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 19:30:02 UTC binfalse
Wenn man in #Vodafones webportal einen Vertrag hinzufügt, muss man sich erst einmal ausloggen und wieder einloggen, bevor man ihn dort auch sieht ?♀️ #profis
Scott Mortimer (scottmortimer)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 18:51:11 UTC Scott Mortimer
Of course women were the original "computers". That's how multi-tasking and parallel processing began!
binfalse (martin)'s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2019 18:30:57 UTC binfalse
Did you know? The word #computer used to refer to a human, who carried out calculations or computations! Especially women were often computers, because of the lower salary...
> A female computer, with microscope and calculator
#soundsweird from today's perspective
binfalse (martin)'s status on Saturday, 31-Aug-2019 20:47:38 UTC binfalse
unless you're #openstreetmapping... they apparently condemn small commits ;-)
binfalse (martin)'s status on Friday, 30-Aug-2019 21:06:26 UTC binfalse
Mit Commits nicht sparsam sein.