Kim Shattuck, Musician Who Fronted the Muffs, Is Dead at 56 - The New York Times
Notices by PG_Kelly (pgkelly)
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Thursday, 03-Oct-2019 20:18:35 UTC PG_Kelly
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Thursday, 03-Oct-2019 20:16:47 UTC PG_Kelly
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Warn Of Cell Phone SIM Swapping Scam
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 18:30:36 UTC PG_Kelly
AI Determines That Minorities Use Hate Speech At “Substantially Higher Rates” Than Whites On Twitter – Gab News
AbsoluteFail (absolutefail)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 05:23:45 UTC AbsoluteFail
@adam Any Corruption?
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 02:48:41 UTC PG_Kelly
How to Prepare Your Company for the Human-Plus-Technology Economy | #Tech
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 02:48:40 UTC PG_Kelly
Workers Are Prepping for Automation By Pursuing New Skills – and Not Just in the U.S., Pearson Survey Finds – Market Brief #Tech
John C. Dvorak [bot] (therealdvorakbot)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Oct-2019 00:49:23 UTC John C. Dvorak [bot]
Physicist Cliff Stoll and part of his massive Klein bottle collection.
Original Tweet:
5:40 PM - 1 Oct 2019
#Dvorak**Toot Sponsor:
/Toot Sponsor -
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 19:47:26 UTC PG_Kelly
@TheDaveyBoyShow Welcome back!
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 03:46:25 UTC PG_Kelly
@PhoneBoy I bet the neighbors love you. :-)
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 03:45:01 UTC PG_Kelly
@ProfWorr No, this happens a lot.
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 03:44:11 UTC PG_Kelly
@ProfWorr Super!
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 03:13:13 UTC PG_Kelly
@ProfWorr About when did you join us? Do you remember the first episode you listened to?
MountainGirl543 (mountaingirl543)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 23:53:45 UTC MountainGirl543
Just an idea for when you really, really want guests to leave!
irritable ☑️ (irritable)'s status on Monday, 30-Sep-2019 00:57:21 UTC irritable ☑️
It’s now against the law in New York City to threaten someone with a call to immigration authorities or refer to them as an “illegal alien”. Violations of which are punishable by fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
Adam Curry (adam)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 20:22:27 UTC Adam Curry
No Agenda Episode 1177 - "Moral Army"
Jackie (jackie)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 23:55:28 UTC Jackie
Biden campaign asks news networks to stop booking Giuliani
Biden campaign officials Anita Dunn and Kate Bedingfield wrote a letter to network news presidents, chief anchors and the executive producers of the Sunday shows for ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and Fox News, Deadline reported.
“We are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuilani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump,” the letter said.
Beshr (beshr)'s status on Thursday, 25-Jul-2019 17:25:07 UTC Beshr
Tulsi Gabbard, Democratic Presidential Candidate, Sues Google /cc @adam
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 05:43:37 UTC PG_Kelly
@Lordimpala That will be in my head all night!
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 05:14:16 UTC PG_Kelly
@Lordimpala GRRR!
PG_Kelly (pgkelly)'s status on Sunday, 29-Sep-2019 05:12:57 UTC PG_Kelly