@yam655 @jalcine I've just not written a dramatic script before. I'd certainly like to try!
Notices by INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Thursday, 02-May-2019 01:20:36 UTC INACTIVE
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Thursday, 02-May-2019 00:19:49 UTC INACTIVE
@yam655 @jalcine I actually do have a concept in the works, one that could potentially be low-budget.
The biggest challenge is figuring out how to write the script, and get people to star in it.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Friday, 15-Mar-2019 23:21:45 UTC INACTIVE
@prinzpiuz I'm biased, since it's my project, but I run the vidcommons.org instance, which is filled to the brim with Creative Commons and Public Domain media. It's intended to serve as a "starter pack" of sorts for new instances that want to populate their listings with content that's been curated and vetted.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Wednesday, 06-Mar-2019 16:44:58 UTC INACTIVE
@autogestion @blog It's actually more of a slogan or a motto than anything else. In a sense, distribution here refers to both distributing free technologies, and distributing messages in an open network. While you're right that a federated network isn't strictly distributed in a DNS-agnostic P2P sense, the scattering of messages across many instances is technically still applicable.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2019 05:56:19 UTC INACTIVE
@mangeurdenuage I'm over at @sean
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2019 04:38:13 UTC INACTIVE
@trwnh @blog @sean those aren't for Corp, I'm trying to build a share bar for federated networks based on this: https://gitlab.com/distributopia/share-connect-support
Might make that invisible for right now, and maybe move to a different implementation strategy.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Saturday, 02-Mar-2019 21:22:53 UTC INACTIVE
@sean works
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Feb-2019 21:47:36 UTC INACTIVE
@blog shows up on this end.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Monday, 21-Jan-2019 21:42:09 UTC INACTIVE
Hmm, I seem to be able to follow @feneas on Mastodon, but not Pleroma...
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 20:58:22 UTC INACTIVE
Damn it, I signed into the wrong account on Tusky. ?
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 20:55:50 UTC INACTIVE
@jalcine nice! I'm thinking of joining soon. ?
Jeremy (jdormit)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 16:32:36 UTC Jeremy
I wrote up the API I'm thinking about for my #ActivityPub #PHP library! If you're interested in building federated PHP applications, I'd really appreciate if you check it out:
I opened an issue where people can give feedback and discuss the API so that we can make sure it will meet the needs of Fediverse developers. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contribute to the discussion:
Jacky Alciné (Oakland ? JFK) (jalcine)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 17:38:24 UTC Jacky Alciné (Oakland ? JFK)
Wow. Seeing @sir take that step to be funded solely for FL/OSS work is inspiring! I do hope they write about the mechanics (https://drewdevault.com/2019/01/15/Im-doing-FOSS-full-time.html highlights their announcement). Congrats!
Oneesan succubus (lain)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 20:23:08 UTC Oneesan succubus
in an upcoming update pleroma will switch the ids of users and statuses from sequential integers to flake ids. This will involve a migration that has to walk your whole database and can not be run concurrently. Please plan for some downtime and don't just pull develop out of habit. -
clayton (he/him) (clayton)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 20:51:40 UTC clayton (he/him)
I love the undraw.co project - a designer illustrated a bunch of use cases for tech projects to be used however people see fit. It even has a color toggle to adjust the illustrations to a particular color scheme.
Are there similar projects out there? I'd love to use and support designers contributing to #freesoftware / #freeculture
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Monday, 31-Dec-2018 20:34:30 UTC INACTIVE
@blog test comment
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Saturday, 29-Dec-2018 06:21:39 UTC INACTIVE
@sean Shows up over here.
hogfather :starwall: (starwall)'s status on Saturday, 15-Dec-2018 20:19:29 UTC hogfather :starwall:
"YouJelly?" is a website where you can vlog about your perfect life and your extremely fun and exciting adventures, all while starting drama with absolutely every other account, but the catch is that you don't actually have any real fans, just people who are jealous and would rip you to shreds in an instant to have your life.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Monday, 10-Dec-2018 18:29:30 UTC INACTIVE
Hey, just a reminder that I now reside on my own personal instance, over at @sean
Social Nasqueron is still a really good instance with a great admin, but after some hiccups I think it makes more sense for me to self-host.
INACTIVE (deadsuperhero)'s status on Thursday, 06-Dec-2018 18:26:06 UTC INACTIVE
Damn, looks like federation is broken on this instance currently. ?