Nobody [Linux Walt Alt (@lnxw37a2)] (lnxw37a2)'s status on Sunday, 17-Nov-2019 06:15:00 UTC Nobody [Linux Walt Alt (@lnxw37a2)]
@CarlCravens @gamehawk Being born before 1964, I remember when some people in my generation thought we would fix all the previous generations' messes. By the time the tail end graduated high school, I think that had pretty much evaporated.
(Side note: Not since at least World War I has there been a 16-25 year slice where people are alike enough that the ssme label describes the groups as a whole. Generationalism is as false as other isms.)- LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} repeated this.