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Jawsh McCullaugh (jawsh)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Sep-2019 12:24:05 UTC
Oh dang! Nine months? Goodness I'm too lazy at this story! Well... here's chapter 7! Finally. Yeah, I use that word too much on this feed. Anywuz, click the link and read the chapter! You know you want to...
Here's your teaser:
"Mr. Computer, I need you!"
Shortly after I said that, some music began to play. I'd play the music for you for thouroughness, but I can't. Wonder why? Well maybe it's be because a certain Chief Geordi won't let me do these as a audio documentary! What did I say about documenting sound?
"�Hol�, y bienviendo a `Learning Spanish� Tape Side one. Para empezar..."
I hit the stop button. Whoops, wrong tape. I should learn to put the data tape back into the cassette drive when I'm done. Try to get some education during lunch and look what happens. Embarrassment. That's what.
Cynthia had a quizzical look on her face. "Wait, so you're actually going for learning Spanish? I didn't think you'd actually do it."