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Notices by Ricardus (ricardus)
The Chris Christie beach memes are killin me!
Excalibur is on. I'm really inflicting some torment on myself, here, to see if it is an horrifically bad as I remember.
Never saw this one before. Luke's solo was pretty caffeinated.
Watching Jeff Healey videos.
@xmanmonk Seems to be down for the last 4 hours or so.
If two Hamsters are living together is it Co-Habitrailing?
So a "man" with the emotional development of an eight year old is bad enough, and should be worrying, but what's with this thing he seems to have with women and blood? This guy needs therapy. BAD.
Seen on twitter:
"yall want black people to have 3 IDs to vote because "election fraud"... but are completely unbothered by russia meddling in our elections."
It must be the '70s because I've seen commercials for The Gong Show and Battle of the Network Stars.
I see John Mayer finally graduated to a guitar that doesn't have a neck stuck on with bubble gum.
Trump recently Tweeted that the investigation was a witch-hunt. Was it wrong of me to reply and tell him to get back to his caldron?
It's strawberry shortcake season. Of course biscuits are best, but I don't feel like making GF biscuits. I used to buy a GF pound cake (possibly from Amys) but I can't find it locally anymore. I decided on Van's Whole Grain Waffles, and So Delicious Coconut Whipped Topping. That stuff is awesome. I used to use TruWhip, but I like this better.
What do my GF friends out there on the interwebs use in their shortcake? #glutenfree #shortcake
Ricardus deleted notice {{,2017-06-18:noticeId=1761397:objectType=note}}.
RIP Flounder.
Still no premiere date for Halt & Catch Fire Season 4. Come on AMC!
Are there any cabinet-level positions available for The Long Island Medium? Maybe Trump could appoint her, next.
NEVER go into a Holodeck and ask for an adversary capable of defeating Data.
I keep hearing that we need to "tone it down" on social media. That sounds like just another version of "Now is not the time..." Which I reject. With some people it is apparently never the time. Always kicking the can down the road so the problem never gets solved, and their corporate masters are happy.
What if all of the Golden Tickets weren't found by Wonka's drop-dead date? After all, Charlie found his the day before. Would Wonka have postponed?
If 'Thoughts & Prayers' did any good we'd be the safest country in the world... yet we aren't.