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Magic the gathering puzzle quest is a really good game.
I think the next ten years will be full of goddamn robots, that's what I think
@augustus oh, ok
Well I still love you
Ring3 is for peasants
@augustus what is there to gain from constantly leaving breadcrumbs?
Symbolism doesn't work or likely even exist in literature, who says it works in film?
I have never understand the concern over the Illuminati. It's not hard to find the cabal that actually runs this shit. They have giant towers and wear uniforms. Look at what Deists did for us 1700-now and look at what Goldman Sachs has done since 1869. One group created a country and a new way of life, the other group has allegedly made some money.
It doesn't make any sense. It's scarier to think that the truth is that the world isn't really under that much control at all.
Pro-black is anti-white. I'm sorry to tell you.
We need to be doing more to reject black culture to save our country. All of our cities are becoming Chicago
Terry Davis is dead. Fuck this gay earth
Nerthos is an anagram for shorten
@nerthos it seems like pro hearthstone has taken a lot of joy from the average casual player. What percentage of players use a netdeck instead of one that they made their self? It's probably more than 3/4
@nerthos I agree.
It must be difficult for teams to balance their game in order to appeal to those player groups. Casual users who want to have fun, ie gratification, pro users who want to compete, and scientific users.
Very hard to compete in more than one of those spaces with the average game, even though the game could be really high quality from the perspective of one of those groups.
For me to become wall st's hottest algo trader, Bitcoin must die
So listen, in order for me to get better nets, I need more fucking gpus.
I need cryptocurrency to not exist so that metal prices go back down and all the suppliers will unload their gpus, which I will use to further evolve and expand my strategies, and like Amazon I will reinvest those profits into even more gpus
@nerthos that's actually the part of hs that appeals to me.
I'm about to ship off to rehab, but once I come out I'm gonna write a hs simulator and try and find really good decks. I think it's fascinating. Just the combinatorics of the situation are insane.
Pic attached. Ofc there is a lot of nuance to that number, because of classes, card limits, etc
@augustus >Augustus Pugin was found dead at his computer in [REDACTED] last night on August 28th, 2018, with 17 shots in his back. Death was ruled gang violence by a group called Mastodong. After multiple e-mails from the local server, the county corner said the timing was all a coincidence.
RIP, I really liked that guy, too bad he went too deep into the long CIA history of fucking shit up everywhere. I mean let's get this straight folks, I'm supposed to believe a not entirely serious man supposedly got killed by a bunch of leftist pussies on the internet. leftists. 17 gunshots.
@nerthos I can see why it's off-putting. What you're describing is something I think a lot of players of lots of games are experiencing now that esports are becoming more and more mainstream. I don't really play HS that much but I am familiar with the feeling you're describing.
Twitch and the like has contributed to this whole thing by making gameplay something to be scrutinized and optimized. While fascinating in its own rite, gameplay is about play, it's even in the word. Esports is just televised game theory optimization with very slight theater elements
@roko yup. They are gonna have me again, waiting on my intake date
@noyoushutthefuckupdad fuck no
@roko I am! Great actually! Still waiting on intake back in to rehab.