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Carol Hickleflour (chickleflour)'s status on Friday, 10-Apr-2020 22:35:15 UTC
@jake @chickleflour I'm sorry. I've just been on the edge since you've been gone. A mother's not supposed to lose her child, you know. For ten years, my son's been dead. You're not dead, but you were, and I've been upset every day. It's not usual for me to have a good day, and I don't know what to do when one this joyous occurs. I just... I've missed ten years of your life. What has happened this whole time? Who is my boy now? You're... you're not a boy anymore are you. Ten years. I've missed most of your teenage years. You're an adult now. You're twenty four. You're not my boy, you're my That's not right. Are you somebody's man? Is there a lady in your life? A Mrs. Jacob Hickleflour? Or is it jake now?